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2007-06-24 20:07:48
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The Anti-Prom

Yup, they're finally here! The pictures from the almighty Anti-Prom (like a prom, but 150 times better and with alcohol) I am [Beki in Wonderland] and the only other person who's on here who was at the party is Alex or [Lexxi Scuzz]. So here we go, this is why deep down in your heart you really want to be British (if you're not already British XD) just so you can come to parties like this! Bet your prom wasn't half as good as ours!! XD
20 minutes into the night and [Lexxi Scuzz] is already on her arse.
Joshwa looking gormless. His hair is shinyful X3
Walker with his face stuffed full of jelly XD
Alex and me posing as her extra head XD
Alex looks drunk. I look weird. We have cider. XD
Yeah. Josh is wearing a dress. No, i don't know why.
Josh in his dress again XD
Me with cider. Oh, and Josh in the dress.
Cross with beer, and the saucy charades infront of his face XD
Cross with top hat.
Me and Alex, myspace photo!
Alex's butt XD Don't ask me why i took this.. i don't know XD
Me and Chris, and i'm actually beginning to look drunk..
Chris and Alex. Not entirely sure what she's doing XD
Mike and his extra head AKA Steevo.
Josh got boobs. Then tried to lick them XD
Josh is getting a bit too fond of his new breasts...
Alex and Me. I look retarded...
Cross. Aww, look at him in his tie XD
Alex yelling at someone.. I can't remember who XD
Me and Alex's feet!
We went to the park... And i hung upsidown.. Lol, look at our alcohol in the background..
I thought the tree's looked like two polar bears kissing o_O *coughacidcough* XD
My leg O_O I love those trousers XD
Alex on the swing, wasted and with alcohol.. She'd drank a fair bit of rum by this point too..
Me on the swing with alcohol. I like this picture XD
This just looks cool. Josh and Alex.
Josh headbanging XD XD
Ze band. Well, mainly the wall... And bits of the band XD
Alex 'helping' Walker play the drums..
Alex and me and the side of Josh's head. We were wasted by this point. Yes i have a tea cosy on my head.
Cross. Yes he has writing all over his face. Look at this one in full size, Steevo looks deformed in the background XD XD
Alex and Me. And alcohol and my tea cosy XD
Cross windmilling XD This amuses me :p
Walker drumming and looking completely smashed. Which he was.
Alex when me and her went for a walk at 1am..
Me and Alex on our walk. Yeah, i STILL have the tea cosy on my head.
Steevo stuck in the baby swing XD
This is from the next morning.. We discovered my camera has a sepia setting.. Me and Alex.
Sepia again XD Joshwa in the smoothie shop XD
Alex trying to look innocent. Sepia!alex XD
Walker and Josh looking severely hungover at the bus station.

Yeah, don't you wish you'd been there!?! It was awesome... It's like 'spot the alcohol' in most of these pics XD Anyway, yeah that's it. Roll on the next party!!!

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2007-08-31 [Beki in Wonderland]: Wtf is catarrh? Is it that throat thing that i always used to call guitar? (which would fully explain why i have no idea what you're talking about) ...I have no idea why you would know if i always used to call it guitar... Gah, what am i talking about..

2007-08-31 [Lexxi Scuzz]: yeah lol.. no i mean no i've never tried them.. it's never really been a problem for me..

I'm having de ja vu did we perchance have this tyrozet convo on the phone earlier beki?! =P 

2007-08-31 [Beki in Wonderland]: Yes, i believe we did :O homg! I know what Dan is talking about now, i just didn't have a clue it was spelt like that XD I was reading that as.. sort of.. imagine a pirate saying guitar. That's pretty much how i was reading it XD XD

2007-08-31 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol XD bless! I caught on pretty quickly! XD XP hmm i think i'm going to head off the pc now.. i gotta get up and go to a careers meeting tomorrow at 9:30 =___= >.<

2007-08-31 [shinobi14]: RoFl!! (i actually laughed out loud at that!)

Well, why I ask... is that i tried them as a dare... and they are the most revolting thing ive ever put in my mouth...


2007-08-31 [Lexxi Scuzz]: what me having to get up early? thanks =___=

lol yeah. i shall make a note to never do that EVER!!

2007-08-31 [shinobi14]: Nononono!! What Beki said made me laugh!!!11!!!1!oneone!!

2007-08-31 [Beki in Wonderland]: Ahaha, what did i say? <_< >_> *memory of cabbage* *can't be bothered reading back what i've already written* ...Careers meeting eh? Why? Well... I'm going to Asda because they have jobs going. That means i get to wear a bright green uniform. And i think that is the most amazing thing ever.

2007-08-31 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol that is pretty awesome.. and because i need a part time job and i need to decide on a career and becuase i have nothing better to do with my time than annoy teenage job councillors! X3

2007-08-31 [Beki in Wonderland]: Aaah fair enough! I've already been to see one and i don't think she liked me much <_< >_> Pah. That's her problem! I just want my neon green uniform XD

2007-08-31 [shinobi14]: Remember Lexxi: You want a career as a hobo.

2007-09-02 [Lexxi Scuzz]: okay *remembers* lol no i wanted to be a pirate.. my guy was cool he told me i didn't need to do anything and there was no reason for me being there and then rambled for an hour!

2007-09-02 [shinobi14]: :O I want that guy!!

... not in that way, Alex. >.<

Aye, i be setting sail for now. 'Til the next moon!! YARRR!!

2007-09-02 [Beki in Wonderland]: ROFL, Dan i took that totally the wrong way XD Oh dear...

2007-09-02 [shinobi14]: ¬___¬'''

Beki... you dont want me to get the haddock out, do you??!!

2007-09-02 [Lexxi Scuzz]: i did wonder.. rofl.. i was like o___O dan wants the career's advisor! =P

yes!! HADDOCK!!!!

2007-09-02 [Beki in Wonderland]: *snort* career's advisor porn... Oh God, i'll never take life seriously again... My mind just has to twist everything in the worst possible way >____<

YES HADDOCK!!! But not to hit me with! Or I'll use my killer asparagus crossbow of DEWM!!!!

2007-09-03 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol yeah but i thought the same thing if it's any consolation! XD

yeah.. DEWM.. lol i'm an echo side swapping midget *dances* kill me now! =P

2007-09-03 [Beki in Wonderland]: Ah good, we can be sick minded together then <_< >_>

Rofl, what are you talking about? Echo side swapping midget? That's... interesting XD XD

AND XION IS SWEDISH!!! This had nothing to do with anything at all, but i just discovered it and it really amused me.. Swedish.. XD *dies*

2007-09-04 [shinobi14]: Swedish reminds me of Sunday dinner. XD

2007-09-04 [Lexxi Scuzz]: o_O strange.. sunday dinner huh? Any reason? or is it because you have sweeeed for sunday dinner? hmmm hmmm!!!!

lol yes we can.. infact we already are pretty sick minded! XD

yes.. <_< don't ask.. i think it's better we left that alone. 

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